The thrill of sharing a great story.

P.R. - but not really.

In the simplest terms we are all about connections.

We connect you, our client, to people and organizations who will love your mission and want to be a resource of help.

We build connections with the thrill of sharing your great story. By sharing your story we build connections that suit you through the organic nature of PR, but not really.

The Thrill of an inspired Idea

Solution Oriented - but different.

We are going to listen. We are going to ask questions. We are going to have a conversation about what you love and what you are missing. And then, we will connect the dots to take the steps needed to actually solve the problems you are facing; it’s our favorite thing to do.

The thrill of a vibrant community

Our events = Conversation².

We started small, knowing only the two organizations we were working for; Past Lives as Marketing and Events & Art in the Pearl as PR. director.

Past Lives, a small start up with a small gallery needed a big event to get known around Portland. It is hard to get known without a name, but it is easy to get known with a great story. So we connected the dots. We told the story through our first event, A Call for Light, where we connected Artists in Portland with the Incarcerated Artists Past Lives works with and then we invited the community to join us. The simple connection between incarcerated artists and local artists was a new spin on our solid mission and the rest of the community came to participate in our event, bringing their community and their missions as well. The widest net was cast by the simplest connection of a great story and those who were inspired to be involved.