Tell your story
Donation not required to participate.
To attend or speak without purchase or to sign up as a volunteer please send an email to
Telling your story:
Story telling time slots are first come first serve.
Stories should fall within a 5-7 minute time frame.
Stories should be personal; your story, your events, your life.
Stories should be based on you, not others, and at the very least, mostly true.
Storytellers are welcome to bring notes or a written version to read.
Storytellers can opt in to receive written feedback on their story from our audience members.
Storytellers and audience members are invited to meet and connect with other members of the community in our post show happy hour.
All storytellers agree to the following:
No hate speech, bullying or public ranting.
No elevator pitches.
No politics, ever.
Campfire stories should follow the basic story format; beginning, middle and “the end”.
Please do not repeat the same version of the same story within a 4 month time frame.
Email questions or concerns to